VTR Password Information
Please check the status of your
password expiration date and change your password before that date. Your password will expire
every 90 days.
Password Guidelines:
Must be at least 8 characters.
Characters allowed are A-Z, 0-9
and @, #, $, !.
Password requires upper and
lower case characters, and at least one numeric character.
Must be changed every 90 days by user.
The system remembers the last
5 passwords you used. You must select a password that has not been used
in the last 5 password changes.
Six incorrect login attempts
are allowed, on the 7th incorrect login the User ID will be
locked for 15 minutes, then you may try again or your System Administrator may contact Production Data
Support Branch to get the User ID unsuspended at 512-465-1468 ext. 1.
Password cannot
be your first name, last name or User ID.
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